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All spare parts from one hand.

Get to know us. – Interview with Viktor Döme

Below is an interview with Viktor Döme, one of Autóflex-KNOTT’s procurement associate, who has been a member of our team for more than 6 years. Please enjoy.


V.D.: How long have you been part of the Autóflex-KNOTT Kft. team?

I started at the company in 2018, to be precise on 14 May it was 6 years since I joined Autóflex- Knott Kft.

Is this your first job?   If not, how did you start your career?

V.D.: I started as a co-ordinator, outsourcing and co-ordinating work to external partners were my main tasks, and later I became more and more involved in procurement, I started to do procurement tasks as well, so I became a procurement co-ordinator and now I work as a procurement logistics manager.  I mainly deal with classic procurement tasks, contact management, order placement, stock management and the organisation of import deliveries from China.

What personal motivations do you have?

V.D.: It is very inspiring and respectful to see a significant number of our colleagues who have been with the company since the very beginning, and many of them have been here for more than 10-20 years, helping Autóflex with their professionalism and loyalty. At the same time, they are an important part of each other’s lives, helping each other and the new generation. For me, it is very motivating that, of course, even though it is not all fun times in the life of such a community and company, together we can overcome all obstacles.

What do you consider your greatest success at the company?

V.D.: Fortunately, our predecessors gave us very good foundations and a well-established network of contacts. Of course, I still had to start with the basics, but I was able to learn a system that works well, which I thank them for 😊! If I can say so, my greatest success in my time here so far has been that thanks to the new approach of the procurement team, we have managed to reform these processes and adapt them to today’s needs and expectations. It was an opportunity to think up and implement the kind of drawings that will further help our daily lives.

What do you consider the biggest challenge in your work?

V.D.: We have many processes that in theory work simply, but these models do not take into account the manufacturing difficulties of a particular partner, transport problems or global crises.

Although we try to co-ordinate everything, some parts may not arrive on time. These can also cause difficulties in production and customer service, and it is true that in such cases the partner departments also have to reschedule and coordinate deliveries, production, etc. Now these can be the aforementioned “not just happy times”. This comes with being a procurement manager, but learning to manage this is perhaps one of the biggest challenges.

Why do you like working at Autóflex-KNOTT Kft.?

V.D.: Thanks to the management, we have a stable, liveable workplace. In today’s world, I think this is a cardinal point in everyone’s life. And we are talking about a company that is a major player on the international market and in the automotive industry. It has a nice ring to it when someone works here.

What is the working atmosphere and teamwork like?

V.D.: Fortunately, the current procurement team has come together over the years and we can work really well together, which makes everyday life much easier. We try to help each other through any obstacles as quickly as possible, so it’s also much nicer to work knowing that we can count on each other’s support.

How do you recharge when you’re out of the daily grind?

V.D.: Spending time with my family definitely helps me recharge. But I’m a big Formula 1 fan, so I’ve been following the races since I was a kid, and I also like archery and magnet fishing when I have time.

What message would you send to existing and potential colleagues?

V.D.: Feel free to apply to Autóflex. We have plenty of challenges for you. There is always room for new ways of thinking, new approaches and a willingness to do things. For someone with this kind of orientation, Autoflex is definitely a good choice.


Thank you for the interview, Viktor Döme.