There is no trailer without us!
All spare parts from one hand.


Mudflap, black, left 190×225

black rubber, left

Mudflap, black, right 190×225

black rubber right

Mudguard, black 660×200

13″ 12/40 black

Mudguard, black 750×220

14″ 12/40 black

Mudguard, black A186812SM

Max. 155R13 12/40, black

Mudguard, gray A186812SM

Max. 155R13 12/40, gray

Mudguard, tandem 1500×200

Profile 40/40 13″

Mudguard, tandem A2014812KT

Mudguards with a profile of 12/40 and 40/40 Radius 12 is for sidewall-mounting on a trailer. Radius 40 is for mounting on the supports of trailers, like boattrailers.

Mudguard, tandem A2213912KT

Mudguards with a profile of 12/40 and 40/40 Radius 12 is for sidewall-mounting on a trailer. Radius 40 is for mounting on the supports of trailers, like boattrailers.

Mudguard, tandem A2215512KT

Mudguards with a profile of 12/40 and 40/40 Radius 12 is for sidewall-mounting on a trailer. Radius 40 is for mounting on the supports of trailers, like boattrailers.

Mudguard, tandem A2215540KT

Mudguards with a profile of 12/40 and 40/40 Radius 12 is for sidewall-mounting on a trailer. Radius 40 is for mounting on the supports of trailers, like boattrailers.

Mudguard, tandem A2415012KT

Mudguards with a profile of 12/40 and 40/40 Radius 12 is for sidewall-mounting on a trailer. Radius 40 is for mounting on the supports of trailers, like boattrailers.

Mudguard, tandem A2415040KT

Mudguards with a profile of 12/40 and 40/40 Radius 12 is for sidewall-mounting on a trailer. Radius 40 is for mounting on the supports of trailers, like boattrailers.

Mudguard, tandem A2615012KT

Mudguards with a profile of 12/40 and 40/40 Radius 12 is for sidewall-mounting on a trailer. Radius 40 is for mounting on the supports of trailers, like boattrailers.

Mudguard, tandem A2615040KT

Mudguards with a profile of 12/40 and 40/40 Radius 12 is for sidewall-mounting on a trailer. Radius 40 is for mounting on the supports of trailers, like boattrailers.